Frequently | Asked Questions








Below are a list of our Frequently Asked Questions

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Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits
Newborn Sleep
Infant Sleep
Toddler Sleep & Behavior
Young children Sleep & Behavior
Biological Sleep Rhythms
Sleep Regularity
Timing of Naps and Night Sleep
Night Sleep Consolidation (sleeping longer stretches naturally)
Self-soothing Skills
Perfecting the Sleep Environment
Relaxing Sleep Routines
Safe Sleep & SIDS prevention
Feeding while shaping sleep (Incorporating Night feedings without Disrupting Sleep)
Sleep crutches & What to Avoid
Sleep Associations and how to correct them
Sleep Aids & Helpful Tools
Transitioning from Crib to Toddler bed
Transitioning from Family Bed to Crib/Toddler Bed
Learning Independent Sleeping
Nap Transitions (From Two Naps to One Nap)
Traveling with Babies & Children

Sleep for a baby is constantly developing and changing. There are so many factors that actually work against us as parents and that cause a baby to seem to struggle or “fight” sleep. It can begin to feel like a 5000 piece puzzle that has no clear resolution. Add to the mix exhaustion of new parents trying to figure out this 5000 piece puzzle, plus the fact that books, blogs, and advice is given so freely but seems to be contradictory. Yes, sleep is natural. Yes it should happen on it’s own. But NO it isn’t easy. Grab a lifeline! Baby Sleep Well will take the pieces of this puzzle, number each piece individually for you, and we will sit with you to put the puzzle together as a team. When it’s all complete, we will CELEBRATE together!

Bedtime Battles (Fighting Sleep)
Problems Staying Asleep / Multiple Night Wakings
Short Naps
Extra Early Morning Wakings
Sleep Disruptions Caused by Milestones (Teething, Growth Spurts, Sitting, Standing, Walking)
Sleep Disruptions Caused by Traveling, Holidays, and Time Changes
Babies and Toddlers Who Climb Out of Their Cribs
Toddlers and Children who Frequently Get Out of Their Bed
Sleep Regressions
Parasomias (Night Terrors)
Overtiredness and Exhaustion

At Baby Sleep Well we are trained and certified through the Family Sleep Institute, which instructs, mentors and certifies Child Sleep Consultants around the world. Most importantly, we base our sleep shaping techniques on the most current studies and medical research conducted by the world’s top pediatric sleep specialists. Dr. Marc Weissbluth is on the Board of the Family Sleep Institute so we have learned from the BEST. In addition, while working very closely with each family, we consider the many factors that are important for providing an optimal sleep scenario for your baby. In doing so, we are able to create an individualized sleep plan for each family’s unique situation. When we work together, each child is treated as an individual, and each family is supported (over the phone daily not through email) until their child is sleeping well.

We have worked with thousands of families. Our success rate is 100% for the families who follow the plan that we provide and are consistent.

Baby Sleep Well’s definition of sleep training is this: “Coaching parents in order to give them the tools, knowledge, and full understanding of how to provide their individual baby/child with the healthiest and most restorative sleep possible.” “Sleep training” is actually for parents not for babies. When babies are put down at the correct times of the day for naps and at night for bedtime (going by the biological sleep rhythms when babies are most ready for sleep) you ultimately ensure long peaceful periods of sleep that is restorative and physically and mentally beneficial to your baby. Coaching parents also gives them the tools, aids, and helps them set up the proper sleep environment that is most conducive to sleep for their child. I find that babies whose parents are fully aware of their child’s sleep needs are MUCH better prepared to accept and love their sleep for their entire life. This coupled with the proper method will help WIN with sleep. We want YOU to be your child’s personal sleep expert and so we train you!

For the health and safety of your child we need to consider the MANY factors that can cause sleep disruptions. It is important to understand that every baby is different and what works for one child may not work for another. Because of this, we take the time to get to know you, your child, and all of the elements in your lives that play a role in getting your child to sleep well. Tips and simple advice typically do not address the entire reason a child is not sleeping. Because of this, simple recommendations may only work temporarily, if at all.

Baby Sleep Well works with parents to become a unit of expertise. Nobody knows and understands your baby or child better than you do. You are your child’s expert and we are your child’s sleep experts. Together we will form an amazing team! When you choose to work with Baby Sleep Well we do a full evaluation of your baby’s current sleep habits and then come up with an individualized sleep plan. We will get your baby sleeping restoratively for both naps and nighttime sleep and then take it one step further by showing you how to understand your child’s long-term sleep needs so that you can continue to keep them well rested throughout his/her childhood.

Absolutely NOT! First of all, sleep is a basic need for every living creature. If your baby is not sleeping well during naps or at night it is equivalent to him not getting a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet. Dr. Marc Weissbluth, the father of pediatric sleep, said it best when he said: “sleep is to the brain what food is to the body”. In addition, if you as a caregiver are not getting healthy sleep, caring for a child becomes extremely difficult and providing what your child or baby needs is more challenging.

NO! We believe in creating a loving situation in which all parties involved will be 100% comfortable. If we try to force sleep upon our babies and children we will ultimately make them despise it. We want our children to love their sleep and feel safe and secure in their own sleep space. In order to do this, we provide our families with several sleep shaping methods from which they can choose in order to establish healthy sleep habits.

We do provide financial aid options as well as pro bono services for certain cases. Please contact us with any monetary concerns. We have worked with many people in various financial situations. It is important to us that families get their sleep so we do our best to accommodate families who need financial assistance.

Although this has never happened, if a client of a healthy child commits to the plan and does exactly what is instructed for a minimum of two weeks and their child continues to have sleep issues, we will continue to work with them to get the best results possible and reassess the situation as needed.

Unfortunately we cannot avoid all crying. Babies cry and that is just a plain fact. However, we try to minimize crying as much as possible through the process by responding with several different and gentle sleep methods and approaches.

We believe that sleep training begins the moment we find out we are expecting. Remember, we believe that sleep training is for parents! Shaping a baby’s sleep should begin right at around 14 to 16 weeks in order to avoid a baby having negative sleep associations and bad sleep habits. Shaping sleep for a baby that has not acquired bad sleep habits usually involves much less crying and is much easier on everyone especially the baby.

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